Saturday, November 17, 2012


Doritos Monster from David Gidali on Vimeo.

This is our spot for the Doritos "Crash the Superbowl" ad contest, if you like it-
Please give it 5 stars !

Produced by Tal Levitas, David Gidali and Christopher Babers.
Directed by Tal Levitas and David Gidali.
Cinematographer: Armando Ballesteros
Editor: Joe King
Production Designer: Jennifer Sacks
Sound Designer: Evan W. Dunivan
Creature Designer: Jeremiah Lee
VFX: David Gidali

Cast: Webb Hayes, Sergio Hernandez and Alan Pietruszewski.

Character Animation: Guy Zinger, Naor Levi, Shuki Gamliel and Elyakim Drori.


Some concept artwork by our talented Jeremiah Lee:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

SQ3 semi-finalist at YouTube's "Your Film Festival"!

Done in early 2011, SQ3 has been chosen as one of 50 semi finalist (out of over 15,000), for the YouTube "Your Film Festival" competition in collaboration with Ridley Scott.

10 finalists out of the 50 films will be selected by the YouTube community to fly to Venice Film Festival. In Venice they will compete for a $500,000 film grant to create a new project in collaboration with Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender.

You can enjoy Secular Quarter 3 here as well, but please vote at the competition page.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Europa: a Journey into the Visual Effects

The process of creating over 90 shots was time consuming but very educating and eventually rewarding. We designed and implemented all the computer interfaces and outer-space sequences for the film.

Here are a few examples:

Europa - VFX breakdown from David Gidali on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Europa premiering tonight, Friday 9th!

Looking forward to a great event with lots of attractions and surprises! In the meanwhile, enjoy our brand new teaser!

EUROPA Teaser Trailer from Gregory D. Goldman on Vimeo.

And here's a longer trailer:

 Hope to see you tonight!